The SoCal Haggadah

A black and white drawing of a mostly spent dandelion seedhead with only a few seed pods left and a few more blowing away. At the top is the text: הגדת סו־קל And at the bottom: the SoCal Haggadah

This is an alternative haggadah for Passover. It aims to be radical, revolutionary, and subversive. It is 100% functional and you can use it, just as you would any other haggadah, to guide you through a Passover Seder. It follows all the same steps in the same order. But your Seder will not be the same.

The afterword explains in more detail the thinking that went into putting it together. You can, of course, use it as is or remix it for your own needs.

The Star

At the top is the text The Star. by Vikenty Veresav. There are thin black horizontal lines, at the top the gaps between them are fairly wide and the lines get closer and closer together towards the bottom. In the bottom right, there is a dark gray six pointed star like the ones the Nazis made the Jews wear. It looks like it's trapped behind the lines, like behind bars.

My translation of a short story by Vikenty Verasev which was previously published clandestinely by my grandparents during the Second World War.

Theory Head № 1

A cartoon thought bubble is coming out of the pipe from Magritte’s Ceci n'est pas une pipe, like it’s smoke coming from the pipe. The thought bubble reads: Theory Head № 1

A reflection on the role of theory in the struggle for social change.